Poudre Head Coach Steve Bradley (right) calls out one of his assistants...
And the fun begins....
No editorial comment needed... except don't kids get suspened for fighting at school?
Dedicated to the Players, Coaches, & Fans of the Legacy Lightning and our quest for the Colorado 5A State Championship
what a relection of how the players also played.. nice picture
- ashton
you know that if all the Legacy people can post on their website is something petty like this it is pretty ridiculous. Seriously... and guess wat Poudre still won
glad you guys have something to talk about while ur NOT playing this weekend
-Josh #2
and Abdullah (JV)
he just wanted to be a part of the comment
Dear Poudre Fan, this is not our formal football website, you can visit that at legacyfootball.org; this is a personal blogspot done by a Legacy Fan. Sorry if you're offended, I would expect it would come with the territory if our coaches acted like that. Good luck in the playoffs.
humm...yet Poudre kicked your asses...
That coach fight picture is awesome, where can i get a higher res version?
Dear Legacy football team, coaches, and fans. The poudre football team would like to offer our sincre apologies for the comment left on your blog page by one of the under classmen poudre football players. It was a dumb comment and does not represent the opinions or feeling of poudre about the game friday night against legacy. Legacy played a hell of a game and we wish you luck in the future.
- The poudre high school football seniors and varsity team.
Dear everybody ever invloved in this coversation,
I apologize for MY mistake, so now I'm not being apologized for. The comment was out of line, I just took the article offensively because none of the Legacy parents, players, or coaches know what that litttle tussle was about and were just judging. Also, it was a clean game so I don't know what Ashton is talking about. But again, my comment was uncalled for and I appologize for that, it reflects poorly on our program. Like our upperclassmen said, it was a hell of a game, you guys played great, and everybody handled it with class. I am sorry I contradicted that.
Make no mistake about it...
We are rooting for Poudre AND Rocky Mountain this weekend...
The Front Range league should be proud to have 3 of the best teams in the state. If we were not playing each other we would all still be alive in the playoffs.
Good luck against Douglas County!
As a Poudre parent I would like to say how disappointed we are at the behavior on the sidelines but it is in no way a reflection of those boys on the field. The pictures don't really show the whole story. Coach Bradley was not "calling out an assistant". He was angry over a bad call on the field and the assistant coach was pulling him off of the field to keep from getting a penalty. It was a stressful game and emotions were high on both sides of the field. The assistant coach was just trying to calm everyone down. For Ashton to say it was a reflection of how our player played is absurd. It was a hard fought victory and I'm sure his opinion would be different if the W was on the Legacy side. The title "Poudre Fights Hard Against Lightning-Coaches lead by Example" is completey unfair to those players. We will support the boys to the end. Go Big Blue.
I don't know who started this, but I always thought as Legacy, we had class. What is this suppose to show that we can drop to the same level as coaches fighting? Truthfully I can understand how two competitive individuals in a tight game like this was in the heat of the moment can do something that isn't in there normal character, but I can't understand why we continue to look like sore losers a week after the game.
Someone please show the class that this program has and get this crap off our blog. This is a public site, not something that only Legacy people can post on, and read.
Go Lightning - Thanks for a great season.
I really don't understand why people are so worked up that this insignificant BLOG reported on this incident.
Please know that footage (Actual video) of this event has been shown and reported on in several "official" media outlets...
That does not mean those other media outlets lack "class".
Open discussion AND disagreements are what BLOGS are all about... This is great!
By the way.... WAY TO GO IMPALA's what a win on Saturday!!!
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